First of all...why don't people tell you about running and poop?
I mean seriously people...these are things you should share with new runners. I think it took me over a year of running consistently before I didn't feel like I was going to poop my pants after every three miles.'s like some secret club! So here are a few things that I wish someone had told me when I first started running, biking, and swimming:
1) 4 motrin, 2 imodium, and a Coke can be a tummy's best friend.
2) No matter how salty you probably don't have enough salt! Discover S-caps!!
3) Elastikon tape is the best thing in the world...well, next 2Toms!
4) You need 2Toms! and you need to put in places you never thought you needed to put anything...promise!
5) It's ok to be slower than all your friends...I repeat...It's ok to be slower than all your friends.
6) Some days just suck...sorry, but it's the truth.
7) Hoo Ha Ride Glide goes on your vagina! Yes...I said vagina, and like it or not eventually it will swell up.
8) Things you eat on your run that make you feel amazing...will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for you on your bike or in the water...still haven't figured out how this works...but it's true!
9) tbc...
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